Frag Grenade
Frag grenades can be lethal in a game of battlegrounds, and requires two carefully managed skills; aim and cooking time.
Good aim is a given, but cooking your frags is a powerful way to give your enemy no escape. The problem lies in the crucial few seconds while you are cooking a grenade when you are left vulnerable to enemy fire.
How to cook a frag grenade.
You need to actively cook a frag grenade in PUBG, it does not happen automatically like in most other games. On PC, while your character is ready to throw and you are holding [LMB], you need to press the [R] key to start the timer or ‘cooking’ process and from this point, you have 5 seconds to throw the grenade before it detonates. On Xbox, the process is the same and the cooking button is [LB].
- Equip grenade
- Aim [LMB] or [RT]
- Cook [R] or [LB] …5 seconds starts
- Throw
The key is timing the cook perfectly so the frag grenade detonates as soon as it meets the enemy, giving them no time to run and escape.
Use under-arm for tactical throws
It can be difficult to use frag grenades in close-quarter situations, mainly due to the enemy hearing you. But if you can pull one off it can be the last thing the enemy is expecting.
Throwing under-arm reduces the arc distance and is done by right clicking once a grenade is equipped.